Catherine was born Princess Sophia Augusta Frederica of Anhalt. Her family was weak but had connections to several powerful families ( two of her First Cousins Became kings of Sweden). She was used as a pawn in a diplomatic plan by Frederick II of Prussia in the hopes to weaken Austria's friendship with Russia. So Sophia was married to Peter, Duke of Holstein-Gottorp, Empress Elizabeth's nephew and only heir This didn't work however, Russia was soon at war with Prussia and had Frederick on the run. Meanwhile, Catherine was adapting to her new home; learning Russian, converting to the Russian orthodox church and learning how the Russian court worked.
Even thought she was adapting every well to her new environment, her marriage was not a happy one. Reports says that he was childless and hated her. It is said that once he told a hall of courtiers that was he became emperor he would send her to a convent and be ride of her.
This threat was one in a long list and when this situation started Catherina stated to gain support in the different factions at court, the Leib guards and in other powerful people in different nations. Peter came to power in January 1762 when, as she had Frederick of Prussia trapped in Berlin, Elizabeth die. Upon getting to the throne he made an alliances with Frederick and started to Germanizes the Russian Army (Changing uniforms, ranks and rules). Then he started a campaign to conquer the lands between Russian and, the land of his berth, the Duchy of Holstein-Gottorp. This aliened all the nobles and any support that he had from them.
Peter's mistake was to go to Oraniebum with his relatives and the few nobles that was still loyal to him and left his wife in St. Petersburg. When he was gone Catherine lead the Leib Guard in a bloodless coup for the throne. The nobles were happy and supported her soon after she took the throne. Thing were not as great for her husband. Three day after the coup he was killed.
Catherine's reign was one of the high points in Russia history. She created many school and created a new organization of territorial rules. She expanded the Russian empire west and south taking on the Ottoman empire and total wiped the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth off the map. She also made Russia an international mediator. Catherine was not all work and no play. She had many lovers that were very important nobles and government officials. When she became bored with ones she gave the higher offices or land. It is said that her former lovers would help pick there replacements.
Catherine changed the faces of Russia and Europe. She was an important enlightenment monarch and a powerful political finger in Europe. Although historians still debate if she was a good monarch, I believe that she is one of the greatest Russian monarch we have known.